Isabella Secret Story 6 tricks to improve the usability of your website

Published on February 3 2022

Isabella Di Fabio  tricks to improve the usability of your website: Web usability is a concept that, a priori, many do not give too much importance to… Big mistake! A correct usability is essential to have a good web positioning.

To know what we are talking about, we can say that usability is the "ease" of using the website. That is to say, how easy it is going to be for the user to get what they initially searched for on our page.

But, what does web usability have to do with the positioning of your page? Very much! Let us easily explain it to you:


Isabella Secret Story 6 tricks to improve the usability of your website

Isabella Secret Story 6 tricks to improve the usability of your website

For all of us, time is money. If a user enters a website looking for something (specific information, a product, etc.) and something does not capture his attention as soon as he enters the website, he immediately leaves it, which leads to a higher bounce rate. high.

Isabella Secret Story of web users - The user wants to quickly find what he is looking for because, otherwise, he will go to another website to look for it and, if not, to another, and so on until a website clearly and quickly provides him with what he is looking for.

And, how does this affect the positioning of your website? Very simple: Google knows everything. He knows how many visits your page receives, how long each user spends on it, how many pages they browse on your website... He doesn't miss a single one!


Isabella Secret Story 6 tricks to improve the usability of your website

Isabella Secret Story 6 tricks to improve the usability of your website

If the almighty Google detects that the results of your page are not good, that is, that the bounce rate is high, that the time spent on the web is low or that it takes too long to load (among many other factors), it will penalize you , and will not hesitate to lower your positions when you appear in searches for the keywords for which it has cost you so much to position yourself.

Isabella Secret Story 6 tricks to improve the usability of your website - After this… have we already convinced you of the importance of good web usability?


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